Pathway to Grace, a prayer service (talk, mass, reconciliation, and adoration) at the El Camino Campus

Pathway to Grace, a prayer service (talk, mass, reconciliation, and adoration) at the El Camino Campus

February 2, 2024

  • This year marks the 800th anniversary of the first nativity scene established by St. Francis of Assisi. Pope Francis has granted a plenary indulgence to all those who venerate a Franciscan nativity scene and fulfill the plenary indulgence requirements (mass, reconciliation, and adoration). February 2nd is the last day this indulgence is offered (the feast of the Presentation).


  • On Friday February 2nd at 6:00pm, the Capuchin Franciscans will host Pathway to Grace, a prayer service (talk, mass, reconciliation, and adoration) at the El Camino Campus to venerate the Nativity Scene. After the event, a small reception with free hot chocolate will be held at the Padre Margil Pilgrimage center.


  • The requirements for a plenary indulgence will be offered at the event. A plenary indulgence is the full remission of all temporal punishment (time spent in purgatory) up to that point in a person’s life. Individuals can gain plenary indulgences for themselves and for the deceased.


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Posted by samcsa

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