Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)


Why join the Catholic Church?

If you are asking the question, perhaps God is leading you to an answer. We believe you will find the fullness of Christianity in the teaching of the Catholic Church. Only you can truly answer the question about joining our Church. Through the OCIA interested men and women come to know the presence of God in their lives. The OCIA offers you the opportunity to learn how a relationship with God can change your life. It is an opportunity to see what the Catholic Church believes and how we live our faith. Many people have preconceived ideas about the Catholic Church. In the OCIA process, we will study the Scriptures, discuss Catholic teaching, and most importantly, get a true, good and honest idea about what the Catholic Church is really all about.

Already a Baptized Catholic, but have yet to receive the sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation?  In OCIA you will not only be prepared for and receive the wonderful sacraments, but during this preparation we will focus on your relationship with God and your spiritual life.

We are always interested in new inquiries. If you or someone you know would like to become a Catholic, or if you were baptized Catholic but have never celebrated Holy Eucharist or Confirmation, please contact the office at 210-688-9033 ext. 214 or complete the registration form below.